National Human Trafficking Hotline Open 24/7 1-888-3737-888


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Want to defeat human trafficking? Check out the sections below with links to additional information.

Anti-Trafficking Organizations

Traffick Free - Offers drop-in centers and shelter for women who want out of trafficking.

Polaris Project – National organization providing survivor support services, extensive anti-trafficking research and training, and lobbies for policy change. Polaris systemically disrupts the human trafficking networks that rob human beings of their lives and their freedom. Their comprehensive model is victim-focused, helping survivors restore their freedom, preventing the creation of more victims, and leveraging data and technology to pursue traffickers wherever they operate.

International Justice Mission - Global organization that protects the poor from violence in the developing world. Their global team includes more than 750 lawyers, investigators, social workers, community activists and other professionals at work through 17 field offices.

Love 146 – An international human rights organization working to end child trafficking and exploitation through survivor care and prevention. Love146 is helping grow the movement to end child trafficking while providing effective, thoughtful solutions for victims.